Expert dual occupancy and duplex development services
Are you considering building on a block of land in the suburbs of Melbourne? Property development for a custom home doesn’t have to be challenging with the right dual occupancy developer. As a skilled home building company, our team at Costas Constructions has extensive experience creating stunning designs for side by side properties. If you’re looking for a dual occ developer in Melbourne, we’re the best team for the job.
Designing and building dual occupancy properties requires specific skills and experience. Our team specialises in dual occupancy home design and building, allowing us to create the ideal solution for your particular needs and goals. Whether you’re looking for a smooth development process or a team that can make your custom design a reality, Costas can make it happen.
What is a dual occupancy developer?
Dual occupancy developers specialise in creating home builds that are in the form of dual occupancy or duplex structures. Instead of building a single home on a particular area of land, you may choose to build two residences within the same space. Whether you’re an investor looking to develop new properties or a family hoping to build a home in addition to a rental space working with a specialist dual occupancy developer can ensure your project is successful.
Why work with a dual occupancy or duplex developer in Melbourne?
Building a property takes time, effort and expertise to complete. If you are short on any of those categories, hiring a professional to carry out development for you is always the best choice. Dual occ properties require specific knowledge for planning permit, design and construction. Working with a local, friendly team, like Costas, provides access to that expertise for every stage of the building journey.
Dual occ builders you can trust
A team you can trust is a top priority for any housing development project. Our team at Costas Constructions has the reputation and decades of experience to make your plans and ideas into a reality. With everything handled in-house, from planning to approvals to surveys and construction, we are the development business you can rely on to achieve the best results.
How Costas Constructions can help you
We always go the extra mile to deliver a stellar service to our clients. With expertise in dual occupancy and duplex projects, our skilled team can take you from initial planning through to final construction as efficiently as possible. We manage every part of development, so you don’t have to, and you can enjoy the rewards from your investment at the end of the day.
Want to get started? Speak with our team directly to find out how we could help with dual occupancy home building. Our experience in town planning, duplex building and dual occupancy construction makes us the ideal option for your investment. Contact us now to find out more about how Costas Constructions could help you.