Make property investment easy with Costas Construction
If you’re considering property investment in the Forest Hill area, picking the right developer for the job is easy. Costas Construction has an excellent reputation as a builder and developer for a townhouse, dual-occupancy and high-density unit projects across Forest Hill and beyond. We make it look easy.
What we do
How can Costas help make your project easy? Here are the services we offer:
• Expert project management – we cover every aspect of your project
• Speedy planning and design – quick submissions allow for far fewer delays
• A network of skilled engineers – allowing for fast testing and easy compliance
• Drawing and documentation services – we can handle all the little details on your behalf
• Construction specialists – when it comes to construction, our builders are the best in the business
We’ve got a handle on project management
As a skilled developer, our team at Costas has the know-how to handle everything a project throws at us. With active management for subdivision, construction and building design, we keep everything on schedule and within your budget every step of the way.
Fast submissions and professional completion of plans and designs
Costas is all about efficiency without cutting any corners. We work with a hand-picked network of architects to create professional plans. At the same time, our excellent connections to local Melbourne councils make the approvals process quicker and easier for everyone involved.
Every compliance measure covered
Carrying out the right surveys and checks is a must for any Forest Hill construction process, from townhouses to multi-unit builds. We use a trained network of skilled professionals to carry out all necessary compliance measure checks, ensuring your property investment remains on track and completely legal.
Don’t want to get caught up in the small details?
We understand that not everyone has time to wrangle paperwork or chase up drawings. Leave all that extra work in Costa’s capable hands, and we’ll ensure your property investment is appropriately recorded, and all paperwork is filed as and when necessary.
Professional construction from a knowledgeable developer
Costas Constructions are development specialists, with extensive experience in the high-quality building services we offer. We utilise the best materials for your budget, with a highly skilled on-site team that ensures all plans and designs are followed to the letter.
Chat with Costas today
Have big plans for property investment in Forest Hill? Speak to our friendly team about it today. You can trust us to complete your project to the highest standard. We’re on time and on budget every time.